
What We Do

Eastside Kids connects parents and caregivers of young children to their communities by highlighting fun, interesting, family-friendly activities up and down I-94, from Detroit up to Mount Clemens. Currently, the activities we highlight are aimed at littles from birth to four years old, but if you’ve got older ones, keep an eye on us, as we might increase our scope in the future! We also hope to host an event or two of our own like meet ups, playdates, and parent support groups if there’s enough interest. If you’d like to see something specific, please let us know!

How We Do It

We highlight fun activities through our big ‘ole calendar that you can find on this website, here. We also provide more bite-sized content (e.g. what’s happening this week/weekend/month) on our Instagram. If you’re on Facebook and you want to post about your event, post a question to other Eastside parents and caregivers, or check out what other businesses or parents have posted, join us over there. You can also look forward to posts on this website that round up awesome Eastside playgrounds, family-friendly restaurants where your kids eat for free, local rec and community centers where you can sign your little up for activities like swim lessons, ballet, soccer, etc., and more. Join our once-in-a-while newsletter at the bottom of this page to stay up on all that.

Why We Do It

This all started as a small Google calendar to help me keep my days straight as a new mom to a young toddler. I was new to the area, didn’t know anyone, and was navigating through early Motherhood, unsure what to do with myself and my little one all day. In a desperate Google search, I found a local library story time, where two kind mothers struck up a conversation and invited me to a play date. That afternoon, they laid out every story time, music class, swim lesson, nature walk, and soccer league within a 10-mile radius.

This knowledge sharing (and the accompanying play date) had a huge impact on my daughter and I, and how connected we felt to the area and our neighbors. While a website and calendar could never - and should never - replace the connection, knowledge sharing, and support that happens between parents and caregivers at the local playground, library, or preschool pick up, I do hope that Eastside Kids can help you and your family find fun goings-on in your local area to grow and nurture your own villages. We’re not meant to do this alone! We’re also not meant to be going all of the time. I hope you find fun activities on our calendar for whenever you want them, but I hope this page never makes you feel the need to fill your calendar for the sake of it. We have just as much fun jumping in puddles and making fake pasta in my daughter’s play kitchen as we do attending amazing programs happening in this community. I’m sure it’s the same for you and your little ones, so please, do not let this calendar give you any FOMO. It’s here to help, not to add pressure!

Who’s We?

Actually, it’s mostly just me right now. But my amazing husband built this website, and I wouldn’t know of about half of these programs if it weren’t for the generous moms, dads, grandparents, librarians, and nannies I’ve met along the way. AND there’s a great volunteer coming on board in the near future. It really does take a village, and I’m thankful for the one I have. As for me, I’m Kristin Belisle, a mom of two beautiful little humans, living in Grosse Pointe with said littles, my husband, a thirteen year old Mini Aussie, and our Floridian rescue cat. In a past life (pre-2022), I worked in executive and corporate communications for Amazon Web Services, and while I guess I’m still using some of those skills here, I stay at home full time now with my two year old and almost three month old. I’m passionate about community-building, connecting people, knowledge-sharing, and supporting local businesses, our environment, and the arts. My sister would say that my Gemini rising is why I do things like this. I’m also a novice gardener, so if you have any tips or tricks, please share them if you see me out in the real world! If you don’t have any tips or tricks, please still say hi, because I love meeting new people. Thanks for being here, I truly hope you find this site helpful. Now, as Fig the Fox would say - “Rumbleleaf Tumbleleaf, GO PLAY!”

“What you are doing is world building. You are co-creating the future through this person, or these people, that you are holding space for… their becoming.”

adrienne maree brown, on parenting